CrossFit WOD, September 14, 2022

December 12, 2022
CrossFit WOD, September 14, 2022



5:00 @ moderate pace
10 alt. cossack
10/10 leg swings
10 alt. box step ups
5/5 Knuckle Drags

Specific Prep

5-10 banded face pulls to dial in tempo (2s extending arms + no pause + 1s pull band towards face + 1s hold)
4-8 alt. FR step ups with lighter than workout weight
2-4 alt. FR step ups with workout weight


Every 3:00 complete one set each of A1 and A2

Dual DB Front Rack Box Step Up (12 alt. reps x 3 sets; rest 20-30s)

Banded Face Pull (@2011; 16-20 x 3 sets; rest with time remaining)

Specific Prep

r KBS: keep back flat and shoulders back
5 KB DL into 5 russian KBS

Pull Ups: today we want to focus in on the timing of our kip, so think about quickly opening your hips BEFORE you start to pull. Use that force created with a good kip to elevate your body, and then pull hard in that moment.
10 scap pull ups
5 kip swings
5-7 kipping pull ups

Snatch: today we are going heavier in the metcon on the barbell, so take yoru time and set up each Power Snatch rep like you would in a weightlifting session. WE are looking for a slower powerful drive off the floor and then pick up speed as the bar passes your knees.



Metcon (Time)

For time @ 85-90% (20:00 Time Cap)
40 russian KBS (53/35#)
30 Lunges per leg (60 total)
20 Pull ups
10 Power Snatch (115/75#)
20 Pull Ups
30 Lunges per leg (60 total)
40 russian KBS (53/35#)

OPEN (RX+): 40 rKBS (70/53#) + 30 pistols + 20 CTB pull Ups + 10 PS (135/95) + 20 CTB + 30 pistols + 40 rKBS
Goal: Today is a great measure of how well you can pace a workout. Aim to have enough in the tank to push your pace a bit faster on the back half of workout today.
Power snatch can be on heavier side today, and done in singles

Metcon (Time)

For time @ 85-90% (20:00 Time Cap)
40 russian KBS (35/25#)
30 Lunges (total)
20 Pull ups w/ band -or- Ring Rows
10 Hang Power Snatch (75-95/45-65#)
20 Pull ups w/ band -or- Ring Rows
30 Lunges (total)
40 russian KBS (35/25#)CC: Pacer/SUSTAIN
Goal: Today is a great measure of how well you can pace a workout. Aim to have enough in the tank to push your pace a bit faster on the back half of workout today.
Power snatch can be on heavier side today, and done in singles

Recovery/Endurance Builder

(start these about 30-90s after workout is over)
1:30 PVC Power snatch - SLOW/EASY REPS (think 1 rep every 5-10s)
1:30 walking lunges
1:00 unloaded waiter bows
EMOM 5:00 (you choose focus) (don't stop moving for all 5:00)
Upper body: 15s max rep empty bar bench press + slow easy reps w/ PVC for remaining 45s
Lower Body: 15s max jump squats for height + slow easy air squats for remaining 45s
[after class]
3-5:00 easy bike -or- jog

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