No Classes on Saturday 12/3 - Come cheer on your fellow 405'ers at our in house competition "The Winter Classic" from 9:30am to 1:30pm
30s bike slow
30s bike moderate
30s bike hard
AMRAP 4:00
6 air squats
3 push ups
1 strict pull up / jumping pull ups / s3 ring row
Specific Prep [10-25:00]
w/ empty barbell
5 good mornings
5 back squats
5 elbow rotations
5 strict press
5 front squats
5 thrusters
add some weight
5 push press
3 front squats
3 thrusters
add weight to workout weight
3 push press
3 front squats
3 thrusters
Part A [25-40:00]
Part B [40-50:00]
"Kevin Bacon for Christmas" (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)
5 rounds
2:00 on / 1:00 off
3 thrusters (75/55)
6 Pull Ups
3 Thrusters
9/6 cals bike
*Pick up were you leave off each 2 minute round
OPEN(RX+): Thrusters (95/65) and CTB Pull Ups
**After last minute or rest proceed directly to Part BCC: PUSH/THRESHOLD
GOALS: High pace throughout, with unbroken sets as long as you can hold on
Modify weight on thrusters as needed to stay unbroken
GOAL: 6-7+ total rounds
Thruster (Find a tough single in 10:00)
*From ground
BUILD: Every 2:30 complete 4-6 thrusters, build each set as form allows
Kevin Bacon for Christmas (BUILD) (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)
5 rounds
2:00 on / 1:00 off
6 thrusters (65/45#)
6 Banded Pull Ups -or- Ring Rows
9/6 cal bike
**After last minute of rest, proceed to Part B
Recovery/Endurance Builder
(start these about 30-60s after workout is over)
60s slow PVC strict press
60s Slow PVC front squats
EMOM 5:00
15s fast DB floor press (5-20#/hand)
45s slow/recovery PVC pipe floor press
EXTRA Competitor WOD
Strict HSPU (AMRAP 60s x 3 sets; rest 1:00)
Dbl. DB Single Leg Romanian Deadlift (@2011; 20-24 alt. reps x 3 sets; rest 60-90s)
all 3 sets at same weight
alt. legs each rep
Alt. Single Arm DB Bench Press (@2011; 20-24 alt. reps x 3 sets; rest 60-90s)
all sets at same weight
Alt. arms each rep, but holding 2 DBs (no lifting DB at chest)
Sorenson Hold (Weighted) (20-40s x 3 sets; rest 1:00)