1:00 bike easy
:45s straight leg sit ups
:45s bike moderate
:30s -
:30s bike fast
Specific Prep
Dips/HSPU prep:
10-15s dip support hold (or handstand hold)
3 "slow lower" dips (2-5s to lower to bottom of dip) (or handstand negatives)
3-5 dips (or kipping HSPU)
Deadlift prep
5 Top-Down (starting from hang position) slow DL w/ empty bar pausing at just above the knee for 1s
5 DL from mid shin pausing 1s just above knee
build to workout weight in 1-2 sets x 6-10 reps
Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)
Every 2:30 x 4 sets
10 Deadlift (185/135) + 6-10 Dips (ring, bar, or bench)
Record # of dip reps each round
* A little heavier on the DL this week, a few less reps
* Same rep range on the gymnastics, so try to match or get a few more reps than last week
Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)
10 Deadlift (245/195) + 6-10 kipping HSPURecord # of HSPU reps each round
Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)
10 Deadlift (135-155/95-105) + 6-10 bench dips or band assisted bar dipsRecord # of dip reps each round
Specific Prep
15s plate hops
20s single unders - fast
20s double unders
10s active hang
15s kip swings
15s kips swings w/ knee raise
5-10 toes to bar or hanging knee raises
3 hang muscle Clean
3 push press
3 hang power cleans
3 jerks
build to workout weight in 1-2 sets
ALF (5 Rounds for reps)
5 sets
AMRAP 3:00 + 1:00 active recovery
10 Toes to Bar
30 Double Unders
10 Hang Power Clean (95/65)
Cals on bike in time remaining
**Increase pace each round
**Increase total cals each round
OPEN (RX+): Hang Power Clean (115/75)
Toes to bar are highly individual, so strategize them to your ability
Unbroken fast sets on HPC, so choose a light weight for you here
Plan for 60-90s on bike each round
ALF (BUILD) (5 Rounds for reps)
5 sets
AMRAP 3:00 + 1:00 active recovery
10 Hanging Knee Raises
50 Single unders
10 Hang Power Clean (65/45))
Cals on bike in time remaining
Modifications For Knee Raises: Strict knee tucks, supine toes to bar, flutter kicks (4-count)
Recovery/Endurance Builder
(start these about 30-60s after workout is over)
90s PVC pie hang clean and press - slow and easy
3:00 EASY jog - as slow as you want, just don't walk