5:00 @ warm up pace
30s easy bike
5 push ups
5 scap pull ups
5/5 single leg crossbody RDL w/ DB
Specific Prep
2 sets of:
6-8 CGBP
4-6 Strict pull Ups
building in weight each set to starting weights
Close Grip Bench Press (@2011; 6-6-6-6; every 2:30)
Assisted Pull Up (3 sets x 12-20 unbroken reps)
Weighted Supinated Grip Pull Up (@2110; 6-6-6-6; every 2:00)
Specific Prep
HSPU prep
10s HS hold
1-2 slow lower HSPU
1-5 kipping HSPU
DB Snatch
3/3 DB snatch High Pull
6 alt. DB snatch
Megatron (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)
5 sets of AMRAP 3:00 on / 1:00 off
10/8 cal. bike
10 alt. DB snatch (35/25)
3 HSPU (kipping ok)
*Pick up where you leave off each round
OPEN (RX+): DB (50/35) and 5 kipping HSPU
Megatron BUILD (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)
5 sets of AMRAP 3:00 on / 1:00 off
.3mi bike
10 alt. DB snatch (25/15)
3/3 Single arm strict press (25/15)
*Pick up where you leave off each round