CrossFit - Mon, Oct 10
<p><b>[3-12:00]</b></p><p>2:00 Row easy pace</p><p>+</p><p>6:00 of</p><p>5 RDLs</p><p>5 Hang Muscle Snatch</p><p>5 glute bridge</p><p>20s jump rope</p>
Specific Prep
<p><b>[12-20:00]</b></p><p>5 Top-Down (starting from hang position) slow DL w/ empty bar pausing at just above the knee for 1s</p><p>5 DL from mid shin pausing 1s just above knee</p><p>+</p><p>build to workout weight in 1-2 sets x 6-8 reps</p>
Deadlift (5 x 5; all sets at same weight)
<p>*looking for tough sets of 5 each round; <br />*weight will vary, 60-70% of 1RM<br /> </p>
<p>500m/400m at EASY pace (right after set of 5 DL)</p><p>*move straight from DL to row and back to DL, no rest between</p>
Specific Prep
<p><b>[35-40:00]</b></p><p>Hang Power Snatch; 2 sets x 5 reps building to workout weight</p><p>+</p><p>3/3 box step ups</p><p>3-5 box jumps</p>
<p><b>[40-56:00] </b></p><p> </p><p><b>CC: PUSH/THRESHOLD<br />Keep Hang Power Snatch lightweight<br />Practice starting a little more paced and picking up speed/intensity each round</b></p>
Wait for It (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)
<p>4 sets</p><p>AMRAP 3:00 + 1:00 Rest</p><p>12 Hang Power Snatch (75/55)</p><p>15 box jumps (24/20")</p><p>24 Double unders</p><p> </p><p>*Increase pace each round</p><p>*pick up where you left off each round</p><p> </p><p>OPEN(RX+): HPS (95/65) and 50 Double Unders</p><p> </p>
Wait for It Build (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)
<p>4 sets</p><p>AMRAP 3:00 + 1:00 Rest</p><p>12 Hang Power Snatch (empty bar)</p><p>15 Box Step Ups</p><p>35 single unders</p><p> </p><p>*Pick up where you left off each round</p><p> </p>
Recovery/Endurance Builder
<p><b>[after class] </b></p><p><i>(start these about 30-60s after workout is over)</i></p><p>3-5:00 easy run as slow as you want just don't walk</p>