4:00 of
5 squat to stands + single Arm OH reach
5/5 knee hug + lunge + twist
5/5 push up to down dog
Specific Prep
W/ empty barbell
5 press
5 jerk dips
5 push press
5 hang muscle clean
5 front squat
Build in 1-2 more set to starting weight
Front Squat (@10X1; 6,6,5,5; every 2:00)
build each set AND from previous week
Front Squat (@ 2011; 8-10 x 4 sets; every 2:00)
build as form allows
Specific Prep
Build to Clean and jerk workout weight in 1-3 sets of 7 reps
Pumpkin Spiced Everything (Weight)
7 rounds for time (25:00 Time Cap)
7 Clean & Jerks unbroken
400m run (as slow as you want, just no walking)
If set of C&J is not unbroken, stop and complete 20 burpees
OPEN(RX+): same as FIT
The GOAL is to get all 7 rounds unbroken w/ no penalty
SCORE is the weight you choose for C&J
Pumpkin Spiced Everything (BUILD) (Weight)
7 rounds for QUALITY (25:00 Time Cap)
7 Hang Power Clean and Push press
400m jog
Recovery/Endurance Builder
(start these about 30-60s after workout is over)
90s PVC Power Clean and press- SLOW/EASY REPS (think 1 rep every 5-10s)
3:00 recovery bike/row/jog