78:00, For Quality
1:00 Row
10 Russian Baby Makers
8 Inchworm Push-Ups
10 Deep Lunge Mountain Climbers
10 Kip Swings
10 Ring Rows
Specific Prep
Build to working weights for Back Squat
10 reps @ 35-40%
10 reps @45-55%
10 reps @ 60-70%
Back Squat (@10X1; 10-10-10-10; Every 3:00)
ALL sets @ 70% of 1RM
Back Squat (@2012; 10 reps x 4 sets; every 3:00)
ALL sets @ moderate loading for you
Specific Prep
3 Rounds
5 Cal Row
4 Thrusters
3 Pull-Up option
R: 30-40sec b/s
The goal here is to just have a build up of intensity and touch each movement at the working weight before going full throttle on the actual conditioning piece.
Commodus (Time)
For Time: (10:00 TIME CAP)
50/40 Cal Row
40 Thrusters 75/55#
30 Pull-Up
60/48 Cal Row
40 Thrusters 75/55#
30 CTB Pull Ups
Time Domain: 5:00-8:00
This is based off the classic CrossFit workout "Jackie". Goal here is to be able to hit around the same time domain that you would with Jackie as we have reduced total volume, however we have an increase in weight and complexity with the chest to bar pull-ups.
Commodus (BUILD) (Time)
For Time:
50/40 Cal Row
40 Thrusters 45/35#
30 Jumping Pull-Ups
Cool Down/Stretch
1:00/1:00 Couch Stretch
1:00/1:00 pigeon pose
1:00/1:00 Rig Crossbody Lat Stretch
1:00/1:00 Scorpion
2min Saddle Pose
Accessory Work
Metcon (Weight)
4 Sets, For Quality
8/8 Single Arm Z-Press
12 Reverse Grip Bicep Curls
10/10 Bulgarian Split Squats
Extra Open Prep
Power Clean + Front Squat + Split Jerk + Squat Clean + Split Jerk ( 6 sets; every 2:30)
*start @ 65% and increase to heavy for the day
*bar is meant to be dropped between split jerk and final clean and jerk
Metcon (Time)
4 Sets, For Quality
12/9 Ring Muscle-Ups
60 Weighted Double Unders
30ft Front Rack Walking Lunges *heavy but unbroken
R: 2:00 b/s
Metcon (AMRAP - Reps)
40:00 EMOM
Min 1: 16 Cal Bike
Min 2: 14 Single DB Step-Overs 50/35#
Min 3: 16 Cal Ski Erg
Min 4: 20 Wall Balls 20/14#