2 Rounds for Quality
:30-:40sec Jump Rope
25ft Quadruped Crawl
20sec Reverse Plank
10 Scapular Pull-Ups
10 Kip Swings
10 False Grip Ring Row to Sternum
*Focus on movements and moving slowly while taking coaches directions. This is about quality and not getting through the warmup too quickly.
Skill Work
On a 15:00 Clock, Choose a station based on skill level
-Strength Station: for athletes building strength
3 Sets:
15sec Ring Dip Support Hold, or Ring Push-Up Support Hold
10sec Bottom of Dip Hold, or Bottom of Ring Push-Up Hold
10sec False Grip Ring to Chest, make as challenging as athlete can
15sec Muscle-Up Row Transitions, make these slow and controlled
R: 15sec between movements
-Skill Transfer Station: for athletes working on fine tuning or building skill transfer exercises to get first muscle-up or build on current muscle-ups.
3-4 Sets
3-5 Box or Band Muscle-Up Kip + Turnover
10 Ring Swings
*This is time allotted to really get athletes practicing skills that will make them either better at Ring Muscle-Ups or help them develop the strength to get Ring Muscle-Ups.
The goal here is to spend the first 3-5min of the session working on the drills to get athletes to understand what they need to do during this session, then as a coach go between stations and have athletes work with a partner and work through these progressions for the rest of the time to really fine tune them and develop both strength and skill of the muscle-up.
Captain Marvel (Time)
For time (FIRM 18:00 time cap)
100 Double Unders
20 Pull-Ups
R: 75sec
80 Double Unders
16 Pull-Ups
R: 60sec
60 Double Unders
12 Pull-Ups
R: 45sec
40 Double Unders
8 Pull-Ups
R: 30sec
20 Double Unders
4 Pull-Ups
Open/RX+: 10-8-6-4-2 Ring Muscle ups
CC: Sustain/Pacer
Time Domain: 11:00-15:00
**The workout today is building our high-level gymnastics and pumping in some volume on the muscle-ups with a movement that does not provide a lot of interference. This allows the athlete to work on movement pairings, transition between the muscle-up and the double under and work on double unders under some shoulder fatigue.
Captain Marvel Build (Time)
For time (FIRM 18:00 time cap)
100 Single Unders
20 Ring Rows
R: 75sec
80 Single Unders
16 Ring Rows
R: 60sec
60 Single Unders
12 Ring Rows
R: 45sec
40 Single Unders
8 Ring Rows
R: 30sec
20 Single Unders
4 Ring Rows
Cool Down/Stretch
90-90 Rig Pec Stretch x 1min/side
Down Dog hold with calf gas pedaling x 1min
Up dog x 1min
Down Dog hold with calf gas pedaling x 1min
Lacrosse Ball Pec Smash out x 30sec/side
Accessory Work
Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)
3 Sets
Handstand Hold 25-40sec *freestanding or wall supported
R: 30sec
Pronated Chin over Bar Hold 25-40sec
R: 30sec
Supine Leg Lowering 8-12reps @ 41x1 Tempo
R: 60sec
Barbell / Extra Strength
Power Snatch (5 Sets x 3 Reps)
*start at 67%, increase by feel to heavy, but snappy 3 rep
Hang Power Snatch (5 Sets x 2 Reps)
*start at 72% of Power Snatch and hit a heavy, but snappy 3 rep
Snatch Pull (5 Sets x 4 Reps @ 90%)