3:00 row @ Easy Pace
AMRAP 3:00
10/10 Banded Clam Shells
5/5 Single Leg Glute Bridge
:10-:20sec Hamstring Plank
AMRAP 3:00
10 Medball Russian Twists
5/5 Lateral Box Step overs
10 Alternating Skater Jumps
Specific Prep
3 Empty bar Front squat @ 33X1
Build to starting weight (between 50-70% of FS 1RM
Front Squats [20:00-35:00]
Back Squats [35:00-41:00]
Front Squat (@33X1; 3 reps; Every 3:00 x 5 Sets)
Building towards challenging set of 3 for the day, however, the focus here is on developing quality positions, creating more time under tension and setting up the system to handle more weight dynamically when catching a clean
Front Squat (@22X1; 3 Reps; Every 3:00 x 5 Sets )
Building towards MODERATE set of 3 for the day, however, the focus here is on developing quality positions, creating more time under tension and setting up the system to handle more weight dynamically when catching a clean
Back Squat (@10X1; 5 reps; Every 2:00 x 3 sets)
** Use 70-75% of BS 1RM.
** If you have a particualr high BS 1RM, modify % a bit lower
Back Squat (@10X1; 7 reps; Every 2:00 x 3 sets)
** Use moderate weight for these squats, something you can move quickly and confidently
Jump Street (3 Rounds for reps)
3 Rounds
1:00 Max Power Snatch 75/55#
1:00 Max Box Jump Overs 24/20''
1:00 Wall Balls 20/14#
1:00 Rest
*Record each round for total reps for all 3 movements
Open/RX+: 95/65#
Weights for the Power snatch should be light, and a weight you can hold quick sets of 5 for each minute all 3 rounds
Wallballs, let’s try to stay unbroken each round knowing we have rest right after
Cool Down/Stretch
30sec Down Dog
1:00 Pigeon Stretch (right)
30sec Down Dog
1min Pigeon Stretch (left)
30sec Down Dog
1min Low Lunge (Right)
30sec Down Dog
1min Low Lunge (Left)
Accessory Work
3 Rounds
:30sec Max V-Ups
:30sec Rest
:30sec Max Russian Twists
:30sec Rest
:30sec Max Effort Hollow Rocks
:30sec Rest
:30sec Hollow Hold
1:00 Rest