CrossFit WOD, September 23, 2022

December 12, 2022
CrossFit WOD, September 23, 2022



1:30 row - increasing pace every 30s
7:00 @ warm up pace
10-15 banded pull-a-parts
5 push up to down dog
5/5 thoracic rotations
5/5 single Leg toe touches
10/10 wrist rotations

Specific Prep

Banded super front rack 1:00/side
w/ empty barbell:
5 strict press
5 push press
5 push jerk
add some weight (still lighter than workout weight)
5 push press
3 push jerk
build to workout weight
3-5 push press
3-5 push jerk

HSPU prep
1-3 HSPU negatives to 1-2 abmats
1-3 kipping HSPU w/ 1-2 abmats
1-3 kipping HSPU w/ 1 less abmat
1-3 kipping at workout set up



HSPU/OH Density Test (Time)

For Time (25:00 Time Cap)
50/40 cal row
50/40 cal row
30 S2OH (95/65)
50/40 cal Row

For Time (25:00 Time Cap)
50/40 cal row
50/40 cal row
50 S2OH (115/75#)
50/40 cal Row
GOAL: Find a good balance between reps/sets/rest and test your endurance limits today.
Like Tuesday (with the pull up density piece) This is another great "barometer" to your current vertical pressing endurance, so there are no bad scores, rather, a look into your current abilities and stamina. The time cap may make this more of an AMRAP for some, and that is ok! Get through as much as you can and use this as a good litmus test to look back on in the future to gauge progress!

Push Up/OH Density Test (Time)

For Time (25:00 Time Cap)
50/40 cal row
40 Push Ups
50/40 cal row
40 S2OH (75/55)
50/40 cal Row

Recovery/Endurance Builder

(start these about 30-60s after workout is over)
1:30 PVC strict press SLOW/EASY REPS
EMOM 5:00
12s MAX rKBS (35/25) + rest of minute slow/easy PVC good mornings
3-5:00 EASY jog -or- bike

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