1:00 singles
1:00 air squats
1:00 push up to down dog
1:00 non push up burpee
1:00 good mornings
1:00 glute bridge march
Specific Prep
5 Kang Squats w/ empty bar
Back Squat build; 2-3 sets x 4-6 reps
Back Squat (@10X1; build to tough single for day in 15:00)
If they feel good, go for a 1RM
Back Squat (@2011; 4-4-2-2; rest 2-3:00)
Build as form allows from last week's weight
Specific Prep
HSPU: with AMRAP sets on Strict HSPU, really try to keep feet together, and legs/glutes/midline tight
1-2 HSPU negatives (2-5s lower)
3-5 sHSPU with 2-3 abmats
3-5 sHSPU with 1-2 abmats
1-3 sHSPU with head/hands level
Deadlift build to workout weight
5-10 reps @ 135/95
5-10 reps @ 165/115
5-10 reps @ workout weight
Metcon (5 Rounds for reps)
Every 90s x 5 sets each
1: 12 Deadlifts (185/135)
2: AMRAP 60s Strict HSPU (RX= up to 2 abmats)
OPEN(RX+): DL (205/165) unbroken sets + hands and head level for strict HSPU
GOAL: break up sHSPU however you need to get the most reps each minute of work. The priority is PERFECT ROM and execution first, so don't rush reps for the sake of speed. 10 SOLID reps each minute is better than 12-15 sloppy reps.
SCORE is total HSPU reps each round
Metcon (5 Rounds for reps)
Every 90s x 5 sets each (12:00)
1: 12 Deadlifts (155/105)
2: AMRAP 60s DB Strict Press -or- Piked Push Ups
SCORE is total Db press or push up reps each round
Recovery/Endurance Builder
(start these about 30-90s after workout is over)
EMOM 5:00
15s max rep weighted russian twists (10-25# plate) + 45s slow easy unloaded russian twists
1:30 PVC Pipe DL - SLOW/EASY REPS (think 1 rep every 5-10s)
1:30 PVC Pipe Strict Press SLOW/EASY reps
[after class]
3-5:00 EASY jog -or- bike, row