CrossFit WOD, October 4, 2022

December 12, 2022
CrossFit WOD, October 4, 2022

CrossFit - Tue, Oct 4


<p><b>[3-7:00]</b></p><p>1:00 bike easy</p><p>:45s alt. V-Ups</p><p>:45s bike moderate</p><p>:30s med ball front squats</p><p>:30s bike fast</p>

Specific Prep

<p><b>[8-15:00]</b></p><p>Dips/HSPU prep:</p><p>10-15s dip support hold (or handstand hold)</p><p>3 "slow lower" dips (2-5s to lower to bottom of dip) (or handstand negatives)</p><p>3-5 dips (or kipping HSPU)</p><p> </p><p>Deadlift prep</p><p>5 Top-Down (starting from hang position) slow DL w/ empty bar pausing at just above the knee for 1s</p><p>5 DL from mid shin pausing 1s just above knee</p><p>+</p><p>build to workout weight in 1-2 sets x 6-8 reps</p>



Every 2:00 x 4 sets (4 Rounds for reps)

<p>FIT: 12 Deadlift (165/115) + 6-8 Dips (ring, bar, or bench)</p><p> </p><p>BUILD: 12 Deadlift (135/59) + 6-8 bench dips or band assisted bar dips</p><p> </p><p><em>OPEN(RX+): 12 Deadlift (225/185) + 6-8 kipping HSPU</em></p><p> </p><p>Score is HSPU/Dip reps each round</p>

Specific Prep

<p><b>[25-30:00]</b></p><p>20s tuck L-Hang</p><p>20s strict knee raise - CONTROLLED up and down</p><p>15s kip swings</p><p>15s kipping knee raise</p><p>15s kipping straight leg raises</p><p>+</p><p>5-10 practice reps of</p><p>Toes to bar (or workout variation)</p><p>Wall Ball Shots</p>


<p><b>[30-50:00]</b></p><p> </p><ul><li>CC: THRESHOLD</li><li>GOAL: Increase pace AND accumulate more calories each round</li><li>Choose a WB weight you can complete each round in 1 or 2 sets</li><li>Choose a T2B variation you can complete each round in 1-3 sets</li></ul>

"That's How they Do Pants" (4 Rounds for reps)

<p>4 sets</p><p>AMRAP 4:00 + 1:00 active recovery</p><p>25 wall ball shots (20/14# - 10'/9')</p><p>15 toes to bar</p><p>Bike for cals in time remaining**</p><p> </p><p>**Increase pace on bike each round</p><p> </p><p><em>OPEN (RX+): 30 WBS + 20 Toes to Bar + Bike Cals</em></p>

That's How they Do Pants (BUILD) (AMRAP - Reps)

<p>4 sets</p><p>AMRAP 4:00 + 1:00 active recovery</p><p>25 wall ball shots (14/10# - 10'/9')</p><p>15 Hanging Knee Raises</p><p>Bike for cals in time remaining**</p><p> </p><p>Modifications for Knee Raises: strict knee raises, supine toes to bar, supine leg lowers, abmat sit ups</p>

Recovery/Endurance Builder

<p><b>[50-60:00] </b></p><p><i>(start these about 30-60s after workout is over)</i></p><p>1:00 arms only bike easy pace</p><p>1:00 legs only bike easy pace</p><p>1:00 arms and legs easy pace</p><p>+</p><p>EMOM 5:00</p><p>15s max Russian twists w/ medball in hands and feet off the floor</p><p>45s slow &amp; easy Russian twists, no weight and feet on floor</p><p>+</p><p>3:00 EASY jog - as slow as you want, just don't walk&nbsp;</p>

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