1:00 easy bike
5 strict knee raises
10 lunge per leg
1:00 bike
10 straight leg sit ups
15 air squats
1:00 bike
5 strict pull ups
5 strict knees to elbows
Specific Prep
Toes to bar
15s kips swings
15s kip swings + straight leg raise
15s kipping knee raises
15s toes to bar or workout variation
DB Front Squats
5 Dual DB Hang Power clean + 5 Front Squats
Strict Supinated (chin ups) Pull Ups / Rope Climbs
all with supinated (underhand) grip:
15s passive hang
15s active hang
10s chin over bar hold
1-5 strict pull ups
Weighted Sit Ups / GHDSU
7 sit ups no weight
7 weighted sit ups / GHD sit ups
Nightmare on Elm Street (Time)
4 rounds @ 85-90% (even splits) (14:00 Time Cap)
15/12 cal bike
12 Toes to bar
9 Dual DB Front Squats (35s/25s)
OPEN(RX+): DB FS (50s/35s)
rest 4-6:00
4 rounds @ 85-90% (even splits) (14:00 Time Cap)
300m/250m Row
8 strict supinated Pull Ups
12 Weighted Sit ups (15/25#)
OPEN(RX+): 300m/250m Row + 2 Rope Climbs + 10 GHD Sit ups
GOALS: EVEN splits per round but continuing to push pace/effort here this week.
DB weight should allow for unbroken front squat reps
Break up bodyweight movements smartly as needed w/ short breaks
Use machines to really dial in pace in that moderate zone and set up the other movements
Nightmare on Elm Street (BUILD) (Time)
4 rounds @ 85% (even splits)
12/10 cal bike
10 Hanging Knee Raises
9 Dual DB Front Squats (25s/15s)
rest 4-6:00
4 rounds @ 85% (even splits)
300m Row
10 Ring Rows
12 Abmat Sit ups
Recovery/Endurance Builder
(start these about 30-60s after workout is over)
*** You pick a weakness to work today ***
Push Press: 15s empty bar [FAST] + 45s PVC strict press [SLOW/EASY])
Bench Press: 15s empty bar [FAST] + 45s PVC bench press [SLOW/EASY]
Goblet Squat: 15s 8/15# KB [FAST] + 45s air squat [SLOW/EASY]
Core: 15s alt. plank shoulder taps [FAST] + 45s Flutter Kicks [SLOW/EASY]
5:00 easy paced biked