8:00 AMRAP
3 Inchworm Push-Ups
10 Alternating Scorpions
10 Prone PVC Pipe Passovers
10 Alt V-Ups
5/5 Single Leg Glute Bridges
Specific Prep
5 Sets, Building weight
2 Muscle Snatch
2 Snatch Grip Push Press
2 Snatch Balance
2 Overhead Squat
Each group completes sets on an 18:00 running clock
Squat Snatch (4-3-2, 4-3-2, 4-3-2)
4 Reps @ 75%
Rest 1:30
3 Reps @ 80%
Rest 1:00
2 Reps 85%+
Rest 2:00 B/T Sets
** One Set = 4 reps @ 75% + rest 1:30 + 3 reps @ 80% + rest 1:00 + 2 reps @ 85%(+) + rest 2:00; then drop weight and complete again 2 more times
** Reps can be touch and go or singles (Athlete choice)
** % based on 1RM Snatch
power snatch + OHS (4-3-2, 4-3-2, 4-3-2)
18:00 Running Clock for Completion - 3 Sets:
4 Reps @ 75%
Rest 1:30
3 Reps @ 80%
Rest 1:00
2 Reps 85%+
- Rest 2:00 B/T Sets
hang Power Snatch + OHS (5-4-3, 5-4-3, 5-4-3)
18:00 Running Clock for Completion; 3 Sets:
4 Reps @ light weight
Rest 1:30
3 Reps @ small weight increase
Rest 1:00
2 Reps small weight increase
Rest 2:00 B/T Sets
Specific Prep
5/5 DB deadlift
5/5 DB push press w/ 1s hold at top
3/3 DB high pull
3/3 alt DB snatch
Bird Box (Time)
For Time: (7:00 TIME CAP)
10/8 Cal Row
20 Alt DB Snatch 35/25#
30/24 Cal Row
20 Alt DB Snatch 35/25
10/8 Cal Row
Open/RX+: 50/35#CC: SPRINT
Goal: 4:00-7:00
Choose load for DB that allows for perfect movement, unbroken, fast cycling
Utilize a good racing start on rower to get power up quickly
FAST transitions all the way through
We are really focusing on speed and transitions today. How strong are you able to stick on the pace in that middle 30/24 Cal Row and the second set of DB Snatches? That is where the crux of this workout lays. We will see athletes hit the 10/8 into the 20 Alt DB Snatch fast then hit a wall in the middle of that 30/24 Cal Row. This is one of those workouts we want to see athletes test and come out hot and see if they can stay hot. A lot of it will be mental, so challenge yourself to turn off the brain.
Bird Box (BUILD) (Time)
For Time:
8/6 Cal Row
10/10 Hang DB Snatch 25/15#
20/16 Cal Row
10/10 Hang DB Snatch 25/15#
10/8 Cal Row
Cool Down/Stretch
60sec/60sec Scorpion Stretch
60sec/60sec Single Leg Forward Fold
2min Barbell Adductor Stretch
2min Prayer Stretch
Accessory Work
Snatch Grip RDL (8-8-8; build to 8RM for the Day)
Ring Hamstring Curl (3 Sets x 15 Reps; rest as needed)
Odd Object Belly Carry (5 Sets x 100ft for Max Load)
Can be sandbag, D-ball, Kettlebell, etc.
EXTRA Competitor WOD
1 and 1/4 Front Squat (4 sets x 5 reps; rest as needed)
Pause in the hole for 1sec, then come up to just above parallel and then hit the hole again and come out of hole
@ 65-75% of 1RM
Metcon (Time)
4 Sets
15 Alt Pistol squats
20 Hang Power Cleans 135/95
15 Alt pistol squats
Rest 1:00 B/T Sets
Metcon (AMRAP - Reps)
2:00 AMRAP, 1:00 Rest, until completion
25/20 Cal Bike
-Max Bar Facing Burpees