CrossFit WOD, November 10, 2022

December 12, 2022
CrossFit WOD, November 10, 2022



2:00 Row
2:00 Bike
2:00 Row
1:00/side banded shoulder distraction
1:00 Front Raise + lateral Raise (w/ 2.5-5#s)

Specific Prep [15-20:00]
Set up for workout



Ricksy Business (3 Rounds for reps)

AMRAP 10:00
500m/400m Row
20 Walking Lunges
20-40s passive hang

rest 2:00

AMRAP 10:00
1mi. bike
15-20 Banded Low Row @1010
40-60s Plank Hold

rest 2:00

500m/400m Row
14-20 DB Front Raise + Lateral Raise (light weight)
20-40s Rower Pike Ups
GOAL: KEEP intra-set splits even and QUALITY movement


OPTIONAL Aerobic Conditioning / Active Recovery Workout

Rixty Minutes (Time)

30:00 to 60:00 at EASY PACE
500m Row
10 Alt. Front Plank Rotations w/ 1s pause at top
30 cal Bike
10 Cal Ski

Recovery/Endurance Builder

(start these about 30-60s after workout is over)
EMOM 5:00 ***You Choose***
want to build stamina at squatting, pressing, bending, core? Choose what you want to work on and tackle the 5 min EMOM today with that in mind
EMOM 5:00
12s push press FAST reps w/ empty bar + 45s slow pvc pipe strict press
3:00 run slow as needed just no walking

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