8:00 AMRAP
200m Run
8/8 Single Leg Romanian Deadlift
6 (Inchworm Push-Up + Squat)
:30sec Weighted Dead-Bug (barbell)
10/10 Glute Bridge March
Specific Prep
Prep and set up for WOD
Titanic (Time)
4 Person Team Waterfall
4 Rounds for Time (30:00 CAP)
15/12 Cal Bike
21 Deadlifts 115/75#
15/12 Cal Row
15 Burpees
15/12 Cal Ski
9 Dual DB Shoulder to Overhead 35/25#, 16/12kg
Time Domain: 22:00-28:00
*Teammate 1 starts. once teammate 1 is off the bike then teammate 2 will start on the bike and continue until teammate 3 is on the bike. You cannot move onto the next station unless it is free. Each teammate will complete 4 rounds. We expect some rest time in here and for athletes to get bottlenecked at points which is really the goal here. We ideally do not want this to be a straight workout and have it turn into an all-out grind.
Open/RX+: 20/15 Cal Bike, 155/105#, 20/15 Cal Row, 20/15 Cal Ski, 50/35#,
Titanic Build (Time)
4 Person Team Waterfall
4 Rounds for Time (30:00 CAP)
12/9 Cal Bike
21 Dual DB Deadlifts 25/15#
12/9 Cal Row
10 Burpees
12/9 Cal Ski
9 Dual DB Shoulder to Overhead 25/15#
Cool Down/Stretch
1:00/1:00 Couch Stretch
1:00/1:00 Single Leg Forward Fold
2:00 Seated Straddle
2:00 Saddle Pose
Accessory Work
Metcon (Weight)
3 Sets, For Quality
:20/:20sec Single Arm Ring Plank
15 Ring Hamstring Curls
20 Weighted Russian Twists
EXTRA Competitor WOD
Clean and Jerk (Every 2:00 x 8 Sets)
2+1 @ 77% x 2 Sets
2+1 @ 81% x 2 Sets
1+1 @ 84%
1+1 @ 87%
1+1 @ 90%+
2+1 @ 77%
Clean Pull (4 Reps @ 95% 3 Reps @ 102-105% x 3 Sets R: as need)
Push Jerk (3 Sets 9-6-3 rest 2:00 b/t sets)
3 Set
9 Reps @
Rest :45
6 Reps @
Rest :30
3 Reps @
Rest 2:00 B/T Sets
Set 1: 9: 65% / 6: 70% / 3: 75%
Set 2: 9: 70% / 6: 75% / 3: 80%
Set 3: 9: 72% / 6: 80% / 3: 82-85%
Metcon (Time)
5 Sets, For Time
9 Deficit Handstand Push-Ups 8/6’’
12 Dual DB Step-Overs 24/20’’, 50/35#
3/2 Legless Rope Climbs
R: 90sec b/s
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
200m Run
7 Power Cleans 205/145#
21 Wall Balls 30/20#
400m Run
7 Power Cleans 205/145#
18 Wall Balls 30/20#
600m Run
7 Power Cleans 205/145#
21 Wall Balls 30/20#
800m Run
7 Power Cleans 205/145#
21 Wall Balls 30/20#
Metcon (Weight)
4 Rounds
:45 Weighted Chinese Plank (Prone)
8/8 Dumbbell Bent Over Row
10 Dual DB Bench Press
15 Banded Tricep Push-Downs