2:00 bike
1:00 jump rope
10 squat to stand
10 glute bridge
10 plank shoulder taps
1:00 jump rope
2:00 bike
Specific Prep
Use this time to get your specific movements warmed up and your workout set up:
Metcon (10 Rounds for reps)
Skills/Practice/GOAT work
EMOM 20:00
1: Movement choice #1
2: Movement choice #2
Barbell/Cardio Example:
1: 12-15 cal row/bike/ski
2: 3-4 segmented Clean/Snatch Deadlift
100% Cardio Example:
1: 12-15 cal bike
2: 300-400m ski
Skill/Cardio Example
1: Practice Muscle ups / CTB Pull Ups / Pull Ups
2: Row 45s for cals