CrossFit WOD, July 28, 2021

December 12, 2022
CrossFit WOD, July 28, 2021



4 Rounds
ROW :30 Slow
ROW :30 Moderate
Row :15 Fast

Specific Prep

2 Sets for Quality
20sec/side 1/2 Kneeling SA OH Hold
10 Scapular Push-Ups
10 Bent Over Reverse Flys
20 Bear Plank Shoulder Taps
Skills Progression [13:00-25:00]
*3 Perfect Deliberate Wall Walks
*1 Wall Walk + 20 Shoulder Taps
*Practice Piked walk around box (for those that are not able to kick to wall yet)
*Kick up to wall then move hands closer to wall
*Kick up further away from wall and walk to wall
*5ft walks to wall




FIT: 3 Wall Walks + 20 Shoulder Taps on Final Rep; Every 90sec x 5 Sets

OPEN/RX+: 50 to 100ft HS Walk; Every 90s x 5 sets

BUILD: :30sec Nose to Wall Handstand Hold or Practice walking in piked position around box



Prank Sinatra (4 Rounds for reps)

16:00 EMOM
1: 5 Strict Handstand Push-Ups (1-2 abmats ok, but if using abmats, slow lower to 2-3s)
2: 12-20 Turkish Sit-Ups (6-10/side)
3: 12/10 Cal Row*
4: Rest
*add 3/2 Cal each minute to Row

1: 6-8 Strict Deficit Handstand 3''/1.5'' Push-Ups
2: 15-20 GHD Sit-Ups
3: 14/12 Cal Row*
4: Rest
*add 3/2 Cal each minute to Row
CC: Grindy/Sustain
Choose movement variations and weights to allow for each round to be unbroken and consistent on time and intensity.

Focus here is developing overhead and core strength while also challenging the athletes ability to maintain high power output on the rower while under fatigue.

Row should get challenging at the end for athletes

Prank Sinatra (BUILD) (4 Rounds for reps)

16:00 EMOM
min 1: 10 DB Strict Press
min 2: 16 Abmat Sit-Ups
min 3: 9/7 Cal Row*
min 4: Rest
*add 3/2 Cal each minute to Row

Cool Down/Stretch

Down Dog
Low Lunge
Elbow to Knee
Reach to Sky
Hamstring Stretch
Half Pigeon
Down Dog
Low Lunge
Elbow to Knee
Reach to Sky
Hamstring Stretch
Half Pigeon

Accessory Work

Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)

4 Sets, For Quality
6-8 Strict Pull Ups 30X0
10-12 Ring Push Ups 30X0
rest as needed

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