Banded Shoulder Prep
-10/10 Banded External Shoulder Rotations
-10/10 Banded Internal Shoulder Rotations
-10/10 Banded Single Arm Straight Arm Lat Pull-Down
-15 Banded Pull-Aparts
-10/10 Palms Up Banded Lateral Shoulder Raises
8 Scapular Pull-Ups
8/8 Quadruped Thoracic Rotations
20 Bear Plank Shoulder Taps
:20sec Extended Reverse Plank
Practice and Prep gymnastics movements for workout. Use this time to go over modification options and practice
Bar Muscle-Up Drills
-Banded Bar Muscle-Up
-Box Bar Muscle-Up
-Dynamic Hip to Bar
Mount Vesuvius (Time)
For Time: (15:00 TIME CAP)
30 Weighted Sit-Ups (15/10# Plate)
15 Burpee Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
20 Weighted Sit-Ups (15/10# Plate)
10 Burpee Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
10 Weighted Sit-Ups (15/10# Plate)
5 Burpee Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
Open/RX+: GHD Sit Ups, Bar Muscle Ups
Time Domain: 7:00-11:00
Be mindful of GHD rep volume today. If you have not been hitting GHD reps each week for several weeks (50+ each week) then let's look to lower reps on them today or opt for the weighted sit up option
The goal today with this workout is a high interference gymnastics focused couplet.
GHD Sit-Ups will create a little more of a challenge on the kip, so focusing on really pressing through the lats and driving up and around the bar will be more necessary than ever.
For those that are moderate level to the bar muscle-up we want to think about what type of sets will yield the most consistency and least amount of rest between sets. Sometimes even quick sets of 2 can yield a better time than big sets if the rest is held to a quick reset.
Mount Vesuvius (BUILD) (Time)
For Time: (15:00 TIME CAP)
30 Abmat Sit-Ups
15 Burpee Jumping Pull-Ups
20 Abmat Sit-Ups
10 Burpee Jumping Pull-Ups
10 Abmat Sit-Ups
5 Burpee Jumping Pull-Ups
If you don't quite have jumping Pull Ups yet, let's split the burpees and pull ups into 2 movements: a regular burpee and Ring rows -or- Banded strict Pull ups.
So instead of 15 burpee jumping pull ups, you'll complete 15 burpees (first) and then 15 ring rows.
Accessory Work
"What is Accessory work?! Who is it for?"
FIRST...this work is for EVERYONE.
Accessory exercises compliment primary exercises. They strengthen the supporting, smaller muscles, and those that are imbalanced or weaker than others. They can also be a tool to rehab and prevent injuries and "tweaks". That means you get stronger overall and stay healthy while doing it.
Metcon (Weight)
3 Sets
4-6 Weighted Strict Pull-Ups or Pull-Up Negatives
10-12 Dual DB Bent Over Rows
2-4 Eccentric Supine leg lowers @5111
Cool Down/Stretch
1:00/1:00 CrossBody Lat Stretch
1:00 Updog Pose
1:00/1:00 Couch Stretch
1:00 Childs Pose
Extra Open Prep
Close Grip Bench Press (4 Sets x 10 Reps @ 60-65%; R: 2-3:00)
Muscle-ups (EMOM 10:00; 2-4 Ring Muscle-Ups)
EXTRA Challenge go for Strict Muscle ups
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
10/10 SA OH Squat 35/25#
20 Alt DB Power Snatch 35/25#
8/8 SA OH Squat 50/35#
16 Alt DB Power Snatch 50/35#
6/6 SA OH Squat 65/45#
12 Alt DB Power Snatch 65/45#
Metcon (5 Rounds for reps)
5 Rounds
500m Run w/20/14# weight vest *controlled
R: 30sec
500m Run w/o weight vest *Fast
R: 2:00 b/s