5:00 at warm up pace
20s single unders
10 air squats
5 push up to down dog
10 alt. knuckle drags
5 non push up burpee
1 round w/ empty barbell
5 Good mornings
5 elbow rotations
5 strict press
5 RDLs
5 front squats
Specific Prep
5 no dip hang muscle clean
5 hang power clean w/ 1s pause at mid-thigh
5 below the knee hang power clean w/ 1s pause just below knee
add some weight (still very light)
2-3 each: hang power clean + below the knee hang power clean + jerk balance + split jerk
Hang Power Clean + Below the Knee Hang Power Clean + Jerk Balance + Split Jerk (; every 1:00 x 8 sets)
*pause 2s in split landing position of Split Jerk
*build in weight from last week
Hang Squat Clean + Below the knee Hang Squat Clean + Jerk Balance + Split jerk (; every 1:00 x 8 sets); every 1:00 x 8 sets
*pause 2s in split landing position of Split Jerk
*build in weight from last week
*if form is SOLID build across sets
Specific Prep
Prep Pulll Ups
10 scap pull ups
3-5 strict pull up
10 kip swings
3-5 kipping pull ups
Stevie Ray Vaughn (Time)
For Time (23:00 Total time Cap)
5 rounds
30 Double unders
12 Hang Power Clean (75/55)
6 Strict Pull Ups
rest 2:00
5 rounds of
30 Double Unders
12 Shoulder to OH (75/55)
9 Kipping Pull Ups
OPEN (RX+): 9 strict Pull Ups / 9 kipping pull ups / HPC and S2OH (95/65) + 35 Double Unders
GOAL: each section 8-10:00
Barbell weight should be light today, unbroken rounds
Be smart and stay in your lane on how you break on pull ups
Metcon (Time)
First Timer Version
For Time (23:00 Total time Cap)
5 rounds
15 fat rope jumps
12 fat bar Hang Power Clean (75/45))
9 Toes to Rings
rest 2:00
5 rounds of
15 fat rope jumps
12 Fat bar Push Press (75/45)
9 Kipping Pull Ups
Stevie Ray Vaughn (BUILD) (Time)
For Time (23:00 Total time Cap)
5 rounds
35 Single unders
12 Hang Power Clean (45/33)
9 Ring Rows
rest 2:00
5 rounds of
35 Single unders
12 Push Press (45/33)
9 Banded Strict Pull Ups
Cool Down/Stretch
Foam roll lats 2:00/side
Childs pose 2:00
EXTRA Competitor WOD
First Timer work
Ideally, bench press before class and EMOM after class workout
Close Grip Bench Press (5-5-3-3-1-1; build across; rest 1-2:00)
Goal here is to touch some heavier loads, aim to finish in the 85-90% of 1RM
Metcon (Weight)
EMOM 8-14:00
1: Sled push 30m - add weight each round (small bump each round 5-15#)
2: bike at moderate pace for cals, keep bike consistent across all rounds