CrossFit WOD, August 3, 2021

December 12, 2022
CrossFit WOD, August 3, 2021



400m Run
9:00 EMOM
min 1: 30sec Single Unders
min 2: 5 Inchworm Push-Ups + Plank Hold in remaining time
min 3: 10 Dual DB Curl + Arnold Press



Close Grip Bench Press (Find tough set of 5 reps in 10:00)

Close Grip Bench Press (@2011; 7-10 reps Every 2:30 x 4 sets)

Specific Prep

3-5 Practice reps Devil’s Clean and Press (option to start with lighter DBs and move to workout weight)
30s jump rope (DU or SU)
Get weight for Close Grip Bench Press weight jumps for each round



Alwayz into Somethin' (Time)

For Time:
15 Bench Press 115/75#
60 Double Unders
15 Devils Clean and Press 35/25#

R: 2:00

12 Bench Press 135/95#
45 Double Unders
12 Devils Clean and Press 35/25#

R: 2:00

9 Bench Press 155/105#
30 Double Unders
9 Devils Clean and Press 35/25#

CGBP: 135/95 -155/105 – 185/125
DUs: 75-60-45
Devils Clean and Press: 50/35#
• Time Domain: 4:00/Rest 2:00/3:30/Rest 2:00/3:00 = 12:00-20:00
• Time Cap: 20:00
• For CGBP: Choose weights you can complete each round in 1-2 sets max
• DB Devil’s Clean & Press should be a moderate weight that is grindy, but you can stay moving thoughout
• The Double Unders are put in between these movements to create a little cardio component while still challenging shoulder fatigue and burn here today.

Alwayz Into Somethin' (Time)

For Time:
15 Bench Press 75/55#
100 Single Unders
15 Devils Clean and Press 20/10#

R: 2:00

12 Bench Press 95/65#
75 Single Unders
12 Devils Clean and Press 20/10#

R: 2:00

9 Bench Press 115/75#
50 Single Unders
9 Devils Clean and Press 20/10#

Cool Down/Stretch

90/90 Pec Stretch x 1min/side
Down Dog hold with calf gas pedaling x 1min
Up dog x 1min
Down Dog hold with calf gas pedaling x 1min
Lacrosse Ball Pec Smash out x 30sec/side

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