2:00 row
5:00 at warm up pace
10 weighted external rotations (light weight)
10 bent over rows (light weight)
10/10 arm swings
5/5 plank rotations
Specific Prep
Build to workout weight in 1-2 sets of 5-8 reps each
Every 5 Minutes for 3 sets total A1 + A2 +A3 as superset (15:00)
Add weight from previous session on all 3 movements
Half Kneeling Single Arm DB Arnold Press (@2010; 9-12 X 3)
Single Arm DB Row (@2010; 9-12 X 3)
Weighted Front Raise + Lateral Raise (@1010; 12-16 X 3)
Specific Prep
5 empty bar Front Squats - Focusing on keeping torso vertical and a quick tempo for today
5 reps at workout weight
5 KB Deadlifts
5 rKBS w/ workout weight
5 push ups w/ 2s pause at top
Thresher (Time)
5 Rounds @ Sustainable pace 80-85% Perceived Effort
21/18 Cal Row
15 Russian KBS (53/35#)
12 Front Squat 75/55#
9 Push UpsOPEN(RX+): 24/21 Cals, 95/65#
CC: Pacer/Sustain
Time Cap:20:00
Goal: Keep splits even for all 5 rounds
Weight on Front squat should be light, looking for quick unbroken sets each round on barbell
Thresher (Build) (Time)
5 Rounds @ Sustainable pace
18/15 Cal Row
15 Russian KBS (45/35#)
12 Front Squat 45/35#
9 Push Ups
Cool Down/Stretch
2:00 row Easy pace
1:00 slow air squats
1:00 Slow unloaded Good Mornings