400m jog
8:00 @ warm up pace
3/3 deep lunge mtn. climbers + reach
7 squat to stands
7 Push Up to Down dog
7 Squat jumps for height
Specific Prep
Run 50m Hard + 50m easy/recovery pace
Run 100m HARD + 100m easy/recovery pace
5 WB front Squats + 5 WB thrusters + 5 WBS
5/5 DB DL
5/5 DB snatch (lighter than workout weight
5/5 DB snatch (w/ workout weight)
* Take some time today to build to heavier DB weights
Hat Trick (3 Rounds for reps)
3 rounds (20:00 total Time cap / ~3:30-4:00 per round of work)
100m Sprint
20 Wall Ball Shots (20/14# 10/9')
10 Alt. DB Snatches (50/35)
rest 4:00
OPEN(RX+): 100m sprint + 20 WBS to 11/10' target (estimated) + 10 Alt. DB snatch (70/50#)
Hat Trick (Build) (3 Rounds for reps)
3 sets
100m run AFAP
20 WBS (14/10#)
10 Alt. DB Snatch (25/15)
rest 4:00