5:00 @ warm up pace
5 squat to stands
3/3 reverse lunge
5 empty bar good mornings
5 empty bar RDLs
3 empty bar back squats w/ 2s pause at bottom
Specific Prep
Continuing to focus on our pause in the bottom position. We want to see a big vertical chest and drive those knees out to create tension in your hips as you lower into the bottom of your squat. This week with our heaviest sets yet, continue to try to not "bounce" out of your hold.
Back Squat; 2-3 reps x 4 sets (55-65-75-85%)
Back Squat (@22X1; 2-2-1-1; every 2:30)
Build each set with Solid bottom position hold as the PRIORITY
Back Squat (@2111; 4-4-4-4; every 2:30)
Build as form allows
Specific Prep
Deadlift - Today the DLs are heavier and volume is lower, so really focus on good bracing and pushing that floor down today.
Deadlift build to working weight in 2-3 sets x 3-5 reps
Dual DB Front Rack Carry: Keep elbows up, one head of the DBs in contact with shoulder, and just like the DLs, focus on bracing that core and keeping torso upright
Practice 10-20' carry straight into 3-5 Dual DB Front Squats
Front Nine / Back Nine (Time)
3 rounds @ SUSTAINABLE PACE (or AMRAP) w/ total Time Cap of 25:00
12 Sit ups
200m run
10 Box Jump Overs (24/20")
200m run
12 Sit Ups
rest 1:00
50' Dual DB Front Rack Carry (35s/25s)
5 Dual DB Front Squats
7 Deadlifts (225/155#)
5 Dual DB Front Squats
50' Dual DB Front Rack Carry (35s/25s)
rest 1:00
OPEN(RX+): DL (275/185) + DBs (50s/35s) & 10 GHD Sit ups
GOAL: Go heavy today as long as form allows. I want this one to be a bit of a grind. Each set should be TOUGH but unbroken on the squats and DLs can be sets or quick singles.
Front Nine / Back Nine (BUILD) (Time)
12 Sit ups
200m run
10 Box Step Overs (24/20")
200m run
12 Sit Ups
rest 1:00
60' Goblet Carry (53/35#)
5 Goblet Squats (53/35#)
7 Deadlifts (165/115#)
5 Goblet Squats (53/35#)
60' Single DB Front Rack Carry (35/25)
rest 1:00
Cool Down/Stretch
[after class]
5/5 Alt. Scorpion Stretch
Foam Roll Quads 1:30/side
Cat/Cow Flow 1:00
Down Dog 1:00
Childs Pose 1:00
Conditioning EXTRA
Metcon (2 Rounds for reps)
EMOM 12:00
1: Toes to Ring x 8-15 reps
2: 200m run (try to match your pace you are aiming for on the 530m run)
3: Rest
4: Burpee Box Jump Overs x 6-8 reps
Score is Toes to Rings and BBJO