CrossFit WOD, April 16, 2022

December 12, 2022
CrossFit WOD, April 16, 2022




8:00 AMRAP
1:00 Cardio Choice
:30sec Wall Thoracic Extension
10 PVC Weighted Passthroughs + 10 Overhead Squats
10 Scapular Pull-Ups
50ft Walking Lunge

Specific Prep


Pull Up Prep
10 second dead hang
10 second active hang
10 scap pull ups
10 kip swing
10 pull ups

Overhead Squat Prep:
5 Hands up Air Squats
3 Empty Bar OHS at 33X1

OH Walking Lunge Prep:
3/leg lunge unweighted
10 Sec OH hold
3/3 OH Walking Lunge


Partner 1: 6 Pull-Ups + 25ft OH Walking Lunge
Partner 2: 6 Pull-Ups + 25ft OH Walking Lunge
Partner 1: 10 GHD Sit-Ups + 5 Overhead Squats
Partner 2: 10 GHD Sit-Ups + 5 Overhead Squats



Slinky Dog (Time)

For Time (25:00 CAP)
Partner 1:
50 Pull-Ups
100ft Dual DB Front Rack Lunges (35s/25s)

Partner 2:
50 Pull-Ups
100ft Dual DB Front Rack Lunges (35s/25s)

Partner 1:
50 Weighted Sit-Ups
30 Overhead Squats 115/75#

Partner 2:
50 Weighted Sit-Ups
30 Overhead Squats 115/75#

Open/RX+: Dual DB OH Walking Lunge (50s/35s) / OHS 135/95# / GHD Sit-Ups
Time Domain: 18:00-22:00

This workout is a fun relay style partner workout. We have equal work to rest with this one, but you should need all the rest in order to get the full effect of this workout. The idea here is to hit a sprint style couplet to work on managing fatigue and then hitting a repeat effort.

We are looking for big sets on the pull-ups before working our way into the overhead walking lunges. We expect the overhead lunges to be broken at the 50ft mark, before picking up the bar and making your way back to tag your partner to start their set. Scaling the pull-ups to banded strict pull-ups or jumping pull-ups would be the way to go today.

After both partners have completed the first couplet, they will then move to hit the second couplet of GHD/Sit-Ups and Overhead Squats. The loads have increased here and was meant to be done when partner 1 jumped on the GHD/Sit-Up. Again, we are looking for big sets on the GHD Sit-Up before tackling 30 Overhead Squats at a challenging load.

Slinky Dog (BUILD) (Time)

Partner 1:
40 Assisted Pull-Ups
100ft Dual DB Suitcase Walking Lunge (25s/15s)

Partner 2:
50 Assisted Pull-Ups
100ft Dual DB Suitcase Walking Lunge (25s/15s)

Partner 1:
50 Sit-Ups
30 Front Squats 95/65#

Partner 2:
50 Sit-Ups
30 Front Squats 95/65#

Cool Down/Stretch


2:00 Barbell Adductor Stretch
1:00 Barbell Foam Roll Thoracic Extension
1:00/1:00 Scorpion Stretch
:30/:30 Thread the needle stretch
1:00/1:00 pigeon pose


Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

3 Sets
:30sec Dual KB Overhead Sit-Ups
:30sec KB Weighted Russian Twist
-Max Effort Plank Hold
R: 1:00 b/s

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